About the chemical laboratory - DMRI

Daniel Halling Breiner

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About the chemical laboratory - DMRI

Our chemical laboratory covers a wide range of analyses, also the atypical, nonconform types of analytical tests. The chemical laboratory performs analyses in accordance with ISO 17025 and several of these methods are carried out under a DANAK accreditation.


We perform the following non-standardised chemical analyses:


We perform the following standardised chemical analyses:

  • Toxins, mutagens and biocides (LC-MSMS)
  • Protein, peptides and amino acids
    • Total protein (Kjeldahl and Dumas methods)
    • Free amino acids (LC-MSMS)
    • Total amino acids (LC-MSMS)
    • Collagen (UV-VIS)
  • Fats, oils and lipids
    • Total fat (Gravimetry)
    • Free fatty acids (GC-MS)
    • Total fatty acids, including iodine number and peroxide number (GC-MS)
  • Hydrocarbons
    • Total sugars (HPLC-RI)
    • Reducing sugars (UV-VIS)
    • Alcohols (HPLC-UV)
    • Small organic acids (HPLC-UV)
  • Salts and minerals
  • Food preservatives (UV-VIS)
    • Acetate
    • Oxalate
    • Lactate
    • Nitrite and nitrate
  • Androstenone and skatole in meat (LDTD-MSMS)
  • Size exclusion chromatography (HPLC)
  • Multispectral and hyperspectral colour analyses
  • Texture and rheology of foods and ingredients