3D printing production - 3D printing for consumer products
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With Additive Manufacturing - or 3D printing - it is possible to create products with unique features that could not otherwise be achieved, and it is precisely these characteristics that justify the use of technology for the consumer goods segment - also on an industrial scale. Examples of these types of properties could be weight reduction by means of closed cavities, built-in vibration dampening, unique surface patterns, or special materials.
At the same time, Additive Manufacturing offers a huge freedom of design, since you are not subject to the same constraints as traditional manufacturing technologies - a little simplistic you could say that if it can be drawn, it can be printed. At the same time, the development and production time is very short, and no new tools or fixtures are required, even if the design changes. Therefore, Additive manufacturing is an obvious choice for 'serial-unique' products such as limited edition series or special seasonal variants, which are typically produced in smaller batches.
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With the rapid development that 3D printing has undergone in recent years, today's technology is even more relevant to consumer goods as it now meets the quality requirements of both manufacturers and consumers.
In the Center for Industrial 3D printing, we have a number of customers in the consumer goods segment, and we produce several different products - especially in the high-end segment. Here, we offer both development processes, 3D-print production with full documentation and traceability as well as subsequent quality assurance.
One of the world's leading manufacturers of high-end cartridges for gramophones, Ortofon A/S, has since 2008 used 3D printing to produce cartridges. In addition to fast and flexible development, 3D printing adds vibration damping, which produces a unique sound.
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Ceramic Speed takes advantage of the great freedom of design in 3D printing and has received input from the Danish Technological Institute - DTI - to design and manufacture the small, light gears that sit on the rear outer gear of racing bikes - and these are printed in metal at DTI.
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