Receive support in conducting your environmental product declarations

Ulf Smith Minke

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Receive support in conducting your environmental product declarations

It is expected that manufacturers of construction products are required to provide environmental product declarations (EPD) in the near future. In order to be prepared, it is beneficial to start developing EPDs already today. Danish Technological Institute offer our support in your work with the EPD, with which we are qualified due to several years’ experience within the construction and environmental sector.

Why do environmental product declarations?

The EU Commission regulation on construction products is enforced in 2013. The regulation contains requirements for the declaration of sustainability performances of specific construction products. Some manufacturers already provide EPDs – they can be downloaded from their company web-sites.

What is environmental product declarations used for?

First of all, EPDs will be required in the future. Secondly, construction product manufacturers, who already now work with EPDs, will be considered front runners and companies that are responsible and aware of the growing need for sustainable development. An environmental product declaration is thus a powerful marketing tool towards your customers and partners.

Which information do environmental product declarations provide?

Environmental product declarations provide systematic and quantitative information of the environmental impacts from the life cycle of a product. Environmental parameters such as global warming (CO2), ozone depletion (CFC gases), acidification (SO2), eutrophication (PO4), and resource depletion are examples of parameters EPDs must contain.

As a first step of producing an EPD considerations must be given to different levels of the EPD. Is the EPD intended to cover the entire life cycle from cradle to grave or only parts of the life cycle, e.g. only cradle to gate?

How do I get started?

Danish Technological Institute can do the entire work for you. We can also offer our assistance if you choose to be part of the working process.

Contact us already today and let us help you get started!