Synergy in manure cooling in combination with biogas

Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup

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Synergy in manure cooling in combination with biogas

It is well known that cooling manure under stables can reduce emissions of ammonia quite significant. The same goes for odor emissions.

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on loss of methane in manure before it is transferred and used for biogas production. It affects the biogas potential in the manure and is simultaneously a problem for the climate. Therefore, methane loss is another argument for manure cooling, especially in pig housing. And especially in farms that has their own biogas plant or supply manure to one.

Up until 2012, almost all farm biogas plants were established with cogeneration production. Part of the heat production was used for heating in stables and the biogas plant. However, it often had a significant surplus of heat.

There is a cooling principal called adsorption cooling. The special thing about adsorption cooling is that the cooling is run by heat and not electricity, which is the case in traditional manure cooling.






Adsorption cooler from Fahrenheit ready for installation.







The project is therefore about testing if an adsorption cooler from German manufacturer Fahrenheit (as shown in the picture) can be used for manure cooling based on surplus heat from a biogas plant.

This results in cheaper manure cooling, lower emissions of ammonia, odor, methane and not least a higher production of biogas from the manure.


The project is supported by MUDP.Miljøministeriet MUDP logo