Project - Microalgae protein for sustainable animal feed

Jakob Skov Pedersen

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Project - Microalgae protein for sustainable animal feed

ReMAPP – Resource Efficient Microalgae Protein Production

Project start October 2018. Project completion December 2023.


The project aims at developing an integrated technology platform for algae cultivation and processing technology for production of sustainable high protein animal feed. The project will meet the rise in global population and protein consumption along with the need to reduce land-use and greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production, which present an urgent need for alternatives to the current use of arable land for feed purposes.

The project novelty and research comprise of:

1) establishing a prototype of a scalable cost-efficient algae cultivation platform producing protein rich microalgae biomass from biogas production side streams

2) developing method for biological conservation of the algae biomass to a stable feed product with properties comparable to soy meal

3) developing enzymatic technology to optimize the nutritional value and bioavailability of the algae protein

4) testing the robustness and risk of contamination by pathogens and heavy metals

5) conducting feeding trials on broiler chickens, evaluating feed value and comparing to conventional soy-based feed

6) integrating the algae cultivation system at a biogas plant using CO2 and nutrient streams from the biogas production

The backbone of the ReMAPP project is a novel algae cultivation system compatible with biogas plants. The unique technology is developed by Danish Technological Institute to a level where the basic system and production parameters have been verified. Through the ReMAPP, the system is scaled to a demonstration level to supply sufficient algae biomass for development of stable feed formulations and to conduct feeding trials. This cultivation system is constructed at a biogas plant, Nature Energy Månsson in Brande.


The project has been granted by the Innovation Fund Denmark under Grand Solutions program.

Logo anno 2023 (2019)