Project - Technology clarification for the purification of high value ingredients from side streams

Karin Loft Eybye

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Oprensning af højværdi ingredienser

Project - Technology clarification for the purification of high value ingredients from side streams

Project started in July 2014. Completed 2016.

The world is facing extensive challenges: a growing population, rapid depletion of resources, increased pressure on the environment and climate changes. As a result of global population growth, the demand for food and feed is expected to increase 70% by 2050 (FAO). This will lead to a great and constantly increasing need to utilize natural resources optimally with a sustainable approach.

In this project methods were developed to extract and test several components, among these soluble fiber and protein products, from the side stream of TripleA’s protein production. The technological challenge was to clean the valuable components without damaging the rest of the material.

A feasibility study was carried out into the possibility of purifying ingredients from production side streams for full utilization of raw material with environmentally and resource efficient solutions.

The project’s goals

  • Identify methods for purification of the components in side streams
  • Characterize the purified products
  • Create a market study of the purified components
  • Create a study of the profitability of utilization of side current

Conclusions and perspectives

The project has demonstrated a gentle and environmentally conscious adjustment of the process flow, which makes it possible to purify several fractions from the side stream with a good quality. In pilot scale experiments, researchers from the University of Copenhagen have purified water binding substances such as fibers and water-soluble proteins from the side streams, thereby achieving a significantly higher efficiency in the evaporation step (water recovery). The separation of the various ingredients has also been fine-tuned and has overall yielded a greater yield. The isolated fractions have been characterized at Danish Technological Institute and shows a great potential for drinkable foods.

These very interesting results will be a part of TripleA’s forward looking investment plan. The indicated efficiency improvement options have made it possible to purify a larger part of the used process water, which can thereby be included in the process again.

At the factory level the project has resulted in an increased efficiency by 10% and a reduced water consumption by 25%. The higher efficiency for recycling of water has also given a different composition of the remaining side flow. The residual products are thus concentrated, and the volume reduced by 35%, which provides a significant CO2 saving compared to environmentally heavy freight. The result of the project is value optimization with increased sustainable utilization of raw materials.


  • Danish Technological Institute, Center for Food Technology
  • Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen
  • TripleA A/S

The project was supported by the Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Technology Development and Demonstration Program (MUDP).

Read more about the project results - In Danish