Project - Strategies for optimizing small district heating systems
Strategies for optimizing small district heating systems
Project start February 1st 2015. Ended February 1st 2016.
Purpose of project
The objective is to provide integrated strategies that link heat production, distribution and consumers in a new holistic approach. This will lead to new concepts and product that are developed and demonstrated in the succeeding Phase 2. Ultimately, the project will enhance efficiency and reduce heating prices in small district heating systems.
The project is divided into two phases and the current application only regards phase 1. Phase 1 of the project consists of in-debt analyses and research of 5 participating DH plants with the purpose of developing dynamic optimization strategies. In the succeeding phase 2, these strategies are expected to be demonstrated in practice and it is expected that this will lead to product refinement and introduction of new types of products.
The project is divided into three overall work packages:
- Project management
- Heat production
- Distribution systems
- End users
- Strategy development and dissemination
- Danish Technological Institute
- Foreningen Danske Kraftvarmeværker
- Rødkærsbro Fjernvarmværk
- Laurbjerg Kraftvarmeværk
- Hvam-Gl. Hvam Kraftvarmeværk
- Klitmøller Kraftvarmeværk
- Randers Kommune
- Grøn Energi
- Skovlunde Fjernvarmeværk
The project was funded by EUDP.