Project - Pinch point optimized semi-cascade heat pump (PiPoVP)

Jóhannes  Kristófersson

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Project - Pinch point optimized semi-cascade heat pump (PiPoVP)

Pinch point optimized semi-cascade heat pump (PiPoVP)

Project star January 1st 2015. Ended in December 2017.

Purpose of project
The purpose of the project is to create a semi-2-stage heat pump with ammonia as a refrigerant. It is designed to be able to produce hot water at temperatures above 100 °C, which is normally difficult to produce by heat pumps today. The project examines the possibilities and boundaries of the proposed concept. The most promising design is developed and calculations of the expected performance are carried out in order to estimate the expected efficiency and economy. A laboratory model of the heat pump is built and tested.

The objective of the project is to cooperate with companies from home and abroad in order to create a new type of cascade-heat pump, which will have a great potential within the industry of natural cooling and district heating. The project will contribute to enabling large parts of wasted energy to be recycled and instead be used internally in the companies processes.

The project is divided into 7 work packages:

  1. Needs analysis of the endusers.
  2. Analysis of concept.
  3. Model and simulation work.
  4. Design and testmodel.
  5. Building the testmodel.
  6. Measurement of the testmodel.
  7. Dissemination and reports.


  • Danish Technological Institute
  • Frederiksberg Forsyning
  • Alfa Laval
  • Vengcon
  • Svedan Industri og Køleanlæg
  • Arla Foods amba

The project is funded by ELFORSK.