Project - Ensure future production of heat pumps in Denmark

Per Henrik Pedersen

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Project - Ensure future production of heat pumps in Denmark

Ensure Future Production of Heat Pumps in Denmark (pilot project).

Started January 1st 2013. Ended March 31st 2014.

Purpose of project
This is a pilot project. In collaboration with Nilan A/S and Danfoss, the purpose of the project is to create the foundation for developing a new generation of heat pumps, that will fulfill the criteria for the best EU energyclass (A+++). Hereby, the Danish manufacturers are secured to remain competitive in the future and will be able to deliver the best and most efficient heat pumps. The project strives to employ natural refigerants where it is possible and where it will not negatively affect safety and the rules in force. HFC-refrigerants are under pressure in EU as well as on a globally and it is expected that a regulation (that also concerns heat pumps) will be presented. In the following main project prototypes of a new generation of heat pumps will be developed and tested in order to ensure that it will meet the aforementioned requirements of being in the best future energy class.

The main project, that follows this pilot project, is expected to obtain new components in order to create prototypes, that can be tested and tuned, in order to create the most efficient heat pumps possible. Furthermore, the heat pumps are also expected to be competitive.This is due to the fact that, even though they will be marginally more expensive, this added cost will be equalised by the following saving in the electricity consumption. The fact that the product will be placed within the best energyclass will help the consumer choose the most efficient heat pumps.  

The pilot project is divided into five phases:

  1. Descriptions of the technologies' current stage of development, the available products, the market for heat pumps and Danish manufacturers.
  2. Design and production of a "state of the art" HFC-based geothermal heat pump with 3-6 kW output to central heating featuring a frequency adjustning compressor. The heat pump will be tested in a lab at Teknologisk Institut. A testreport will be completed and an analysis of the results will be conducted. The analysis and the test serves as a benchmark for pump solution with natural refrigerants.
  3. Possibilities for improvements are presented. An analysis of the components and refrigerants is conducted. This is done in order to localise specific focus areas subject to further development of the technology. The analysis is conducted on the basis of energy efficiency, environmental impact, prices and safety. Both currently obtainable components and future obtainable components are included in the analysis.
  4. A new generation of heat pumps is sketched. It is expected that a new compressor technology, a new heat exchanger technology and maybe also a new technology that can control the cycle process is to be utilised.
  5. The project is reported to ELFORSK, and it is expected that the results of the pilot project will induce the main project with production and tests of a heat pump in the 3-6 hW class and a heat pump of larger capacity.


  • Danish Technological Institute - Per Henrik Pedersen (project leader)
  • Nilan A/S
  • Danfoss

The project was funded by ELFORSK.