Project - Energy efficient milk cooling with intelligent control
Energy efficient milk cooling with intelligent control
Project start January 1st 2012. Project ended june 30th 2013.
Purpose of project
Milk refrigeration eqiupment in farming is not just a refrigerator, they often function as a heat pump, that delivers heating of the room and preheated water for cleaning and desinfection. The equipment's energy consumption varies substantially because of differences in composition and operation.
The objectives of the project are to:
- Develop and test new technology, that enables the production of preheated cleaning water in the refrigeration equipment/heat pump, without risking limescale in the heat exchanger.
- Document different energy consumptions with different composition and operation principals in order to supply the milk manufacturers with a qualified basis for choosing equipment.
- Demonstrate the most energy efficient milk cooling achievable by choosing optimal composition and operation.
- Produce a simple calculation instrument, that enables the milk manufacturers and their consultants to be qualified to choose refrigeration/heat pump equipment based on milk volume, need for heat etc.
The project is divided into four phases:
- Project management and preliminary testing of equipment
- Choice of equipment and integration into refrigerator and heat exchanger
- Measurering of the energy consumption on the modified refrigeration equipment/heat exchanger
- Dissemination
- Danish Technological Institute
- Lokalenergi
- Arla Foods
- Videncentret for Landbrug, Kattle
- Rø-Ka Industri
- Mælkeproducenter
- SVK-Industri
- Agri Teknik
The project was funded by ELFORSK.