Project - Efficient incorporation of wind power in district heating systems

Jannie Guldmann Würtz

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Project - Efficient incorporation of wind power in district heating systems

Efficient incorporation of wind power in district heating systems

Project start January 20th 2012. Ended December 31st 2014.

Purpose of project
The project will jumpstart utilization of large heat pumps in district heating. Through demonstration, the project documents the potential on incorporation renewable energy in district heating, using heat pumps. The project will demonstrate technical, economical and environmental perspectives using heat pumps in the future energy system, and hereby create an enormous market for Danish suppliers.

The project will take point of departure in the small district heating plant called "Ans Varmeværk", who for a long time have wished to incorporate green district heating in their existing system. In the past years, heat pump technology has developed to reach higher output temperatures. This enables usage in district heating systems and thereby integrates renewable energy in this sector. The heating plant in the city of Ans is located next to a large lake which is a perfect heat source for a heat pump.


The project was divided into 6 phases:

  1. Project initiation
  2. Planning and specifications
  3. Installation
  4. Operation of the system
  5. Evaluation of 1 year operation
  6. Dissemination


  • The Danish Technological Institute
  • Ans Varmeværk
  • PlanEnergi
  • Aalborg Universitet
  • EMD International
  • Foreningen Danske Kraftvarmeværker
  • BoaTech ApS

The project was funded by EUDP.