Project - BESS - Large scale battery energy storage
Project start January 2014. Completed December 2016.
The vision of the Danish future electrical grid is characterized by a massive penetration of fluctuating, renewable energy like wind, sun and wave-based generation. This vision poses challenges for the grid to be stable and reliable.
Project objectives
The objectives of the project are to generate hands-on experience of developing and operating battery energy storage systems (BESS) in the renewable energy-based power system of the future.
- Two large scale batteries of 0.4 MW/0.1 MWh and 1.2 MW/0.4 MWh will be tested and operated.
- Tests will be performed on single batteries
- Small scale grid connected battery will be designed, grid connected and operated
The two large scale battery systems will be operated in order to gain hands on experience with operating battery systems and to optimize the financial output from operating such systems. This involves different control strategies in order to generate valuable information regarding operation pattern, mission profile, battery degradation and possible business models for operating such systems. Degradation data will also be available from single cell tests at Danish Technological Institute. A small scale grid connected battery system at DTI will gain further experience and further test data.
The project is supported by Energinet/ForskEl