Power Bio – best practice regarding upcycling of biomass from municipalities in Sweden and Denmark

Henrik  Grothe

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Power Bio – best practice regarding upcycling of biomass from municipalities in Sweden and Denmark

Power Bio is a project that has received support within the area ”Grön omställning” under the Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerak (ÖKS) program 2021-2027.

The project works with a number of cases across municipalities in Sweden and Denmark. The purpose is to test, demonstrate and implement new practices for municipalities' mowing and gathering of different biomass such as grass and washed-up seaweed. The focus is, among other things, to look at the cascading approach and to ensure a longer value chain in relation to the use of the biomass, which contributes to the transition to renewable energy and high-value products.

Danish Technological Institute participates as a partner, which assesses the biomass and test through e.g. refining and fermentation whether the value of the biomass can be optimized. DTI also assists with the development of new greener models for municipalities and other partners who may be interested in other utilization of the biomass.

Project goals:

  • Development of tools for assessing biomass to be used by e.g. municipalities
  • Development of profitable gathering methods that ensures favorable recycling of grass, seaweed and eelgrass regarding test
  • Test and demonstration of local cases
  • Establishment of Danish-Swedish coastal guard regarding seaweed
  • Test usage of biomass for high value products like bio coal

Project partners:

  • Gate 21
  • Sustainable Business HUB
  • Lunds Universitet
  • NSR
  • Solserv
  • DTU
  • RUC
  • Danish Technological Institute
  • Ringsted Biogas
  • Søuld
  • Coastgrass
  • Business LF
  • Kommunernes internationale miljøorganisation (KIMO)
  • Swedish municipalities; Lund Kommun, Malmö Kommun & Tommelil Kommun
  • Danish municipalities: Lejre Kommune, Odsherred Kommune, Greve Kommune, Køge Kommune, Rudersdal Kommune, Hørsholm Kommune, Vallensbæk Kommune & I/S Strandparken

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