HT2C: High Tech to Construction - Bridging the gap between Construction, IoT and 3D printing
Project start March 2016. Completion June 2017.
The HT2C project aims at promoting communication between construction and high-tech industries to bridge an existing knowledge gap hindering the uptake of Internet of Things (IoT) and 3D printing by the construction industry in a large scale. At present, IoT and 3D printing are topics that captivates experts from the construction business. However, civil engineers and architects still have to figure out the best way(s) to exploit these technologies, reason why several national R&D projects are already in progress. In addition to R&D project, it is vital that construction experts share knowledge with high-tech experts so 3D printing and IoT can be better understood and explored effectively. As a result, new ideas will occur in the interface between the involved sectors, creating a market focused on high-tech construction and new R&D projects.
The HT2C project relies on a cooperation between the Innovation Network for Sustainable Construction (InnoBYG) and the Clúster de los Hogares, Edificios y Ciudades Inteligentes (Domotys) under the BSR Stars programme. Moreover, the Concrete Centre at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation (KADK) are also active partners in HT2C. At present, HT2C has attracted 6 SMEs to participate in international activities and we are seeking additional Danish and Spanish SMEs to join our group. Do not hesitate to contact us in case you would like to know more about the planned activities and to join our project network. The project activities, events and dissemination of technical material will be done through our LinkedIn Group "3D-printed building".
- Alexandra Institute, DK
- Clúster de los Hogares, Edificios y Ciudades Inteligentes, ES
- CreateDK, DK
- Danish Technological Institute, DK
- Geoforum, DK
- Innovation Network for Sustainable Construction, DK
- Juul & Frost, DK
- Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Arch., Design and Conservation, DK
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