Project - New Genomic Techniques for improved production of microalgae bioproducts

Jakob Skov Pedersen

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Project - New Genomic Techniques for improved production of microalgae bioproducts

GeneBEcon - Capturing the potential of Gene editing for a sustainable BioEconomy

Project start September 2022. Project completion September 2025.

The aim of GeneBEcon is to use new genomic techniques (NGT) and contribute to an energy-efficient, low input and zero pollution agricultural production and industrial processing. The project will apply NGT in two production systems: (1) to develop virus-resistant potatoes and (2) to microalgae-based production of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) relevant to industry.

Regulatory issues, societal perception, and safe and responsible use of NGT products will be considered within the project, as NGT is subject to regulatory constraints at all levels, from research to industrial potential.
The main activity of the DTI is to scale up the production of the wild strain Chlorella in tubular photobioreactors (PBR) from laboratory scale to pilot scale (20 L PBR). In addition, a method for the gentle extraction of MAAs is being developed at DTI and an NGT permit is being granted for the cultivation of NGT microalgal strains.

GeneBEcon is a project funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, with 18 partners from 11 European countries.

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