Effective reduction of toxic by-products from amine-based carbon capture plants

Quynh Thu Nguyen

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Effective reduction of toxic by-products from amine-based carbon capture plants

A new project at Danish Technological Institute is developing a purification module to prevent the emission of toxic by-products from amine-based carbon capture plants.

Purification module will remove 90% of toxic emissions from carbon capture

Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is receiving huge investment and political attention worldwide as it is considered a key technology to limit global warming. Among the various CC technologies, the amine scrubber technology plays a central role due to its maturity and high absorption capacity and currently accounts for more than 60% of the market share for CO2 capture. However, the technology can result in unwanted emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), some of which are harmful to health.

Therefore, Danish Technological Institute together with xpuris ApS and xpuris Systems GmbH will develop a purification module to prevent the emission of harmful by-products from amine-based carbon capture plants. The by-products emitted during CO2 capture may include nitrosamines, nitramines, and other amine compounds. These chemicals are known to be toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic, even in very low concentrations. The purification technology is expected to reduce emissions of these by-products by more than 90%.



Project title
Efficient reduction of harmful by-products from amine-based carbon capture plants

Project period 
January 2025 - December 2026 

Project type
MUDP Development and demonstration project 

Project sum
3.695.846 DKK

Purpose of the project
To develop a purification module to prevent the emission of harmful by-products from amine-based carbon capture plants

xpuris ApS, xpuris Systems GmbH, Danish Technological Institute