CLEANSHIP - Demonstration of Energy Saving Devices

Julie Tølbøl Rasmussen

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CLEANSHIP - Demonstration of Energy Saving Devices

There is increasing attention towards the installation of Energy Saving Devices (ESDs) on ships by shipping companies, as they seek ways to reduce fuel consumption. This is particularly considering the new international Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) requirements, which are data-driven.

In the project, ESDs will be installed on Uni-Tankers ships to demonstrate how long-term data can be used to document fuel and emissions reductions. Measurements during the ESD demonstration campaign will be conducted under varying weather conditions. This way, results are generated from both stable and more unstable engine loads.

This page will be updated with notes on ESD installations, as well as insights and results from the ESD demonstration campaign – both with and without a combination with other operational measures.