Biosolutions Technology Center, BTC

Henrik  Grothe

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Medarbejdere arbejder med fermentor

Biosolutions Technology Center, BTC

Biosolutions Technology Center (BTC)

Projectperiod: 23.11.2021 – 31.08.2023.

Biosolutions for product development

Danish Technological Institute's new Biosolutions Technology Center (BTC) will support the development of sustainable technologies and processes. BTC can offer tests within the development and/or scale-up of biosolution products or processes that can fill the "gap" between laboratory tests and industrial production. Danish Technological Institute's experts can, together with companies, develop, test, validate and upscale processes within biorefining, fermentation and downstream processing in either a separate or integrated setup.

The pilot plant can handle both development of new plant-based foods, as well as the use of novel technologies and processes to produce alternative food ingredients e.g. to replace meat. This can be achieved via precision fermentation. The facilities can be used for mapping the potential of utilizing residuals and side streams from the agricultural and food industry in relation to sustainability and circular economy.

There is a need to test and evaluate both technically, economically and environmentally, whether the developed processes and products are sustainable and can be scaled up to industrial scale.

What BTC do for your business?

With the establishment of BTC, Danish Technological Institute offers companies expert assistance as well as access to laboratory and pilot facilities that can support the development of future biosolutions. The center has state-of-the-art processing equipment for biorefining, and fermentation including a range of technologies to concentrate and purify products in appropriate steps from a few ml up to several m3. The center is food approved and can also handle fermentation with GMO organisms in both laboratory and pilot scale. BTC is geared towards new biosolutions across food and biotechnologies.


  • REACT funding: 60 mio. DKK
  • Total budget: 96 mio. DKK
  • Duration: 21 months


A large number of industry leads have come together through innovative partnerships between regions, municipalities, knowledge and educational institutions and SMEs. Erhvervshus Sjælland and the Food & Bio Cluster are the project leaders, and Danish Technological Institute is contributing with the establishment of a new fermentation plant for testing biosolutions processes and products.

Meet the partners here.
