Mobile robots
The prevalence of mobile robots in professional applications and in private homes is penetrating these years thanks to an increasing number of new robotics products and producers.
Mobile robots have already shown an effect of use for professional service robot applications for logistics at hospitals, production areas and warehouses, as hotel porters, for lawn mowing, for floor-washing, for marking playing fields, for inspection of pipes, as guides in museums and much more. With their great flexibility, service robots will find new applications within even more domains in the future.
The increasing prevalence of mobile robots is largely due to the technical progress that has been made in the past years especially within cognition, manipulation and interaction. At the Danish Technological Institute, we are specialised in the use and construction of indoor and outdoor mobile robots. We have expert knowledge about methods and technologies for:
- Robust positioning and navigation.
- Coordinative movements of numerous collaborative mobile robots.
- Construction of “intelligent environments” where sensors in the environment expands the robot’s field of view.
- Intuitive interaction between humans and robots.
- Risk assessment of products and solutions in preparation for CE marking.
How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?
- Consultancy: We can help you outline your opportunities to get your company started with or to continuously work with automation of processes – e.g. with logistics – by using mobile robots. We work holistically and solution-oriented with the technology from generating ideas of concept development to risk assessment focusing on integration and interaction with the existing production machinery, the organisation and the employees.
- Implementation process: We can develop and – e.g. in cooperation with system integrators – deliver customised, mobile robotics solutions for you. Both logistics solutions for e.g. industrial production but also new, mobile robotics products, where we construct and adjust motors, sensors, computers and operations after your needs and standards.
- Development partner: Use the Danish Technological Institute and our impartial consultants as your trusted development partner. Use our expert knowledge to develop your next high technological mobile robotics product, whether it is as part of contract research and development or as partner in a national or international research and development project.
- Courses: We conduct courses in using, understanding and integrating mobile robots in your company.