Economic evaluation of business ideas within the field of production, refining and conversion of bioresources
We have methods to analyze and evaluate the economic potential in new business models in production, refining and conversion of bioresources. If you need neutral eyes for a critical glance on your business idea, a new technology or a plant to produce or process bioresources, we are ready to help you.
In close corporation with you we establish the basic preconditions for your business idea. Afterwards a feasibility calculation is carried out. The output includes budgets and a calculated present value showing the viability of the business idea.
Your advantages
Danish Technological Institute holds substantial knowledge and experience on production and utilization of bioresources. Our advice is always based on neutrality, which ensures high quality advice with no preferences for special concepts or providers.
What other services do we provide?
- Map bioresources in a specific area
- Give advice on the optimal business concept based on your ideas and needs
- Calculate transport and other costs
- Identify optimization options in your facility
- Help develop and test new equipment
- Give advice on state grant options and help the application process
Who do we help?
- Technology suppliers in the agro industry and bioenergy sector
- Farmers and other producers of bioresources
- Owners and potential investors in bioresource process plants
- Start-ups
- Municipalities, regions, agencies
- Associations and unions