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5 days virtual course

Red Hat OpenShift Development II: Building and Deploying Cloud-native Applications (DO288VT)

Learn the essentials skills to design, build, and deploy containerized software applications on Red Hat OpenShift, wheater you are migrating existing applications to Red Hat OpenShift, or creating new cloud-native applications. You will learn about the fundamental concepts behind containerizing, scaling, deploying, and managing applications in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

>> Available in Danish <<

Design, build, and deploy containerized applications on Red Hat OpenShift

Building and Deploying Cloud-native Applications (DO288) teaches you how to design, build, and deploy containerized software applications on an OpenShift cluster
Whether you are migrating existing applications or writing container-native applications, you will learn how to boost developer productivity powered by Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform, a containerized application platform that allows enterprises to manage container deployments and scale their applications using Kubernetes.
The skills you learn in this course can be applied using all versions of Red Hat OpenShift, including Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA), Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO), and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
This course is based on Red Hat OpenShift 4.14.

Skills gained

  • Features for developers in the Red Hat OpenShift web console
  • Building and publishing container images for Red Hat OpenShift
  • Managing container deployments on Red Hat OpenShift
  • Create and deploy multi-container applications on Red Hat OpenShift
  • Deploy multi-container applications using Helm Charts and Kustomize
  • Create health checks to monitor and improve application reliability
  • Creating CI/CD Workflows using Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines


  • Software developers
  • Software architects



Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for Developers
  • Define the Red Hat OpenShift architecture, concepts and terminology, and set up the developer environment.
Deploying Simple Applications
  • Deploy simple applications by using the Red Hat OpenShift web console and command-line tools.
Building and Publishing Container Images
  • Build, deploy and manage the lifecycle of container images by using a container registry.
Managing Red Hat OpenShift Builds
  • Describe the Red Hat OpenShift build process and build container images.
Managing Red Hat OpenShift Deployments
  • Describe the different Red Hat OpenShift deployment strategies and how to monitor the health of applications.
Deploying Multi-container Applications
  • Deploy multi-container applications by using Red Hat OpenShift templates, Helm charts, and Kustomize.
Continuous Deployment using Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines
  • Implement CI/CD workflows by using Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines.


This training is provided by Red Hat authorized instructor. The training will be virtual in English.

Do you have any questions please contact