Concrete Petrography

Ulla Hjorth Jakobsen

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Concrete Petrography

Petrographic analysis is an important type of analysis when evaluating the quality and durability of concrete. Petrographic analysis is usually a naturally part of e.g. a failure analysis of concrete and may be performed at different scales, starting with macro-examination using the naked eye and stereomicroscope, micro-examination using the optical polarizing microscope and nano-examination using the scanning electron microscope (SEM).

Fluorescence microscopy of concrete.• Why does it deteriorate?
• Was the concrete correctly handled during proportioning, mixing and casting?
• What is the expected durability of my concrete?

Having this in mind petrographic analysis is the ideal method to use in research, quality control, mix design optimization and forensic examination.

The Concrete Centre offers petrographic analysis in relation to our consulting services. Training courses in petrographic analysis and fluorescence thin section production are offered on request.