International online conference - The Future of Air Conditioning - Presentations day 1

Jannie Guldmann Würtz

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International online conference - The Future of Air Conditioning - Presentations day 1


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Here, you can download the presentations from the first day of the conference " The Future of Air Conditioning". Here, you can view the presentations from the second day.

Welcome and introduction 
Marc Chasserot, CEO, shecco

Iain Campbell, Senior Fellow, Rocky Mountain Institute

Market trends 
Ilana Koegelenberg, Market Development Manager, shecco

The Danish story 
Mikkel Aaman Sørensen, Head of Section – Chemicals Department, Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark

Christian Heerup, Business Manager, Refrigeration, Danish Technological Institute

Policy Panel 
Bente Tranholm-Schwarz, DG Clima, European Commission

Barbara Gschrey, Policy Advisor and Managing Director, Öko-Recherche

Dr. Daniel de Graaf, Scientific Assistant, German Environment Agency (UBA)

Francesco Scuderi, Deputy Secretary General, Eurovent

Clean Cooling Incentives Session 
Toby Peters, Professor in Cold Economy, University of Birmingham / Director, Centre for Sustainable Cooling

Asbjørn Vonsild, Consultant, Vonsild-Consulting

Anna Braune, Director of Research and Development, German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB)