High-Temperature Heat Pump Workshop
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On September 11th 2017 the High Temperature Heat Pump workshop was succesfully held on the National Museum of Denmark's lovely facilities. We have gathered a book of the presentations from the day, which you can find and download via this link.
Modern society moves towards an electrified energy system based on wind, solar and other renewable sources. Utilizing these sources efficiently with heat pumps is highly attractive, but significant challenges exist for heat pump technology. For District Heating up to 80 - 85°C an increasing number of heat pumps are available but for high temperature applications like industrial processes, heat pumps are not yet available at an advanced level.
In order to meet the future needs Sintef, DTU Mechanical Engineering and Danish Technological Institute have teamed up to create a workshop that can help you grasp the current academic and industrial contributions to the field. Sintef is running the HeatUp project, DTU Mechanical Engineering runs THERMCYC and Danish Technological Institute runs projects such as FOSCAP, ROTRIX and High-temperature Heat Pumps along with the Danish participation in IEA Heat Pumping Technology Annex 48 (Industrial Heat Pumps) that all aim to provide the industry with solutions for reaching high efficiency and high temperatures with heat pumps. In the future's energy system the synergy between industrial and district heating is expected to have a significant impact in the industry being both a(waste) heat source but also as a heat demand for the industrial processes.
Join us at the workshop
We invite researchers and practitioners to join a one-day workshop where we will disseminate and discuss the potentials, the technology, the energy system and the research and development trends in the field.
The workshop will focus on various aspects of heat pumps focusing on high-temperature heat pumps as well as the potential of utilising district heating:
- Market potential of high temperature heat pumps: Mapping of applications with heat sources and sinks (including district heating), Market situation, Policies and legislation & Barriers to progress
- Experimental and simulation based developments on component and system level: Vapor Compression Heat Pumps, Hybrid Heat pumps, Mechanical Vapor Recompression and alternative technologies, Advanced cycle layouts, Working fluids & Compression technologies
- Industrial cases and suppliers products: Industrial case studies & Market ready products
You can find the programme here.
The workshop is held in connection with the 3rd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating.
Participants of the conference may join the workshop free of charge.
Call for presentations
We invite participants to propose a presentation for the meeting. Accepted presentations will invited to submit a paper for publication in Open Access journals (Energies, Applied Sciences, Frontiers in Energy Research or Thermal Science and Engineering Progress). Interested speakers should submit a short abstract when registering for the meeting.
The workshop was held in collaboration between: