Design-Thinking for IT-professionals (Virtual)
Gain practical tools and techniques to enhance collaboration with both business stakeholders and technology users. This course will help you effectively interpret business and user needs and translate them into actionable tech solutions. You will learn how to analyse, prioritise, and deal with ambiguity in technology projects from infrastructure to digital product development with Design Thinking. The course uses an AI-related software development case as well as AI-generated software and is delivered in a virtual, live-learning format.
About you
- Learn how to apply various Design Thinking methods to effectively overcome typical challenges in IT projects from start to finish
- Run effective and productive workshops that solve problems, create a shared understanding and remove uncertainty
- Gain practical methods and insights that help you work effectively with different types of stakeholders
- Get templates and methods that you can apply to ways of working immediately
Course content
- Problem analysis. Understand the business and user challenge.
- Understand personas, stakeholder groups and their varying technology needs and perspectives
- Understand how to gather information and draw insights
- Uncover technical and non-technical options
- Prioritise options based on value and difficulty
- Present compelling solution options to the business
- Visualise ideas by rapidly building software prototypes using AI
- Test technology solution with the business and end-users
- Learn how to gather constructive feedback on your options
The course consists of live learning sessions and subsequent coaching. This course equips you with new skills to drive progress and create value.
The live-learning component runs over four consecutive days, each lasting five hours, and combines theory, tooling, group work, and presentations. Throughout the course, an AI-related case follows a typical IT software development project from start to finish. The theory is closely coupled with application, and roughly two-thirds of live learning consists of practical application with group work, presentations, and feedback.
Three coaching sessions each of approximately two hoursʼ duration will be held in the months immediately following the live learning. In these sessions, you will have the opportunity to meet with your class and instructors again and reflect on how you have applied the methods and tools in your daily life. You will present back to the group in one of the three coaching sessions.
The course is delivered in English and with English materials. Two instructors, one of whom is Danish, facilitate it virtually, ensuring that there is ample support throughout the course.
Do you have any questions please contact
- Christian Ravn Agergaard Pedersen
- Konsulent
- +45 72202447