Biomass Processing Technology - Milling and micronization

Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup

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Formaling det biobaserede samfund

Biomass Processing Technology - Milling and micronization

By using milling technology, it is possible to make a product that has the right properties for aftertreatment. Examples could e.g. be a skin cream where you cannot feel that the cream contains particles. It is also possible that you want to design a product with the right pumping properties or a product that melts in the mouth.

At our pilot production system, we can carry out tests so the customer gets the right particle size distribution.


We offer:

  • Milling of small laboratory samples and industrial amounts in several tons
  • Milling of coarse products down to particles of a few diameters
  • Measurement of particle size by means of different sieving techniques to ensure that the product lives up to the requirements
  • Remove shell parts from milled cereal products
  • Separate particles according to size and weight by means of various sieving mechanisms


Equipment for milling:

  • Hammer mill with frequency control and replaceable screen
  • Knife mill with replaceable screen
  • Pin mill for fine milling
  • Jaw breaker
  • Grain roll
  • Rice peeler
  • Laboratory mill
  • Zig zag sieve
  • Commassie sieve
  • Air classifier
  • Particle size distribution by means of air sieve

Particle size distribution by means of vibration or oscillation.