Biomass from agriculture and food - Grains and by-products
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At Danish Technological Institute we focus on developing grain products as well as on utilizing by-products in the production process.
At our pilot production system we work with wheat, corn, barley, rye etc. that are components in feed or food. We test new recipes and provide consultancy on the optimum production process depending on which product you want. Wheat and barley can for instance have different constructions regarding where the protein content is largest. Therefore, the production process is important to obtain the best possible product. Read more here.
A production process will also consist of by-products that can be utilized for other more valuable products. Bran is an example of a by-product that can be used for proteins and carbohydrates. We provide consultancy on the utilization of by-products and on how the process can be developed and up-scaled in relation to specific basic materials and desired final products.
We offer the following technologies:
- Pulverisation of grain and mixture for feed recipe
- Pelletizing process for feed pellets
- Extrusion to develop fish feed, plant based food products such as meat analogues and breakfast cereals such as cornflakes
- Chemical and enzymatic treatment