Biomass from agriculture and food - Algae

Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup

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Alger som biomasse på line

Biomass from agriculture and food - Algae

At Danish Technological Institute, we consider algae to be a resource for the bio refineries of the future. Algae contain high-value substances such as minerals, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, proteins and vitamins, which make them attractive for animal feed, the food and cosmetics industry. At the same time, algae have a high content of glucose, and therefore they can be converted into energy such as ethanol.

What we offer:

  • Storage stable seaweed for laboratory -/pilot tests; the seaweed is dried, ensiled, frozen or salted
  • Consultancy work and sparring partner in the development of a bio refinery for algae
  • Participation in other projects

Current projects and networks:

We offer the following technologies in connection with tests: