Animal welfare and horses

Franziska  Hakansson

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Dyrevelfærd og hestevelfærd

Animal welfare and horses

Focus on horse welfare

At Danish Technological Institute, active efforts are made to promote horse welfare through research, technology, and collaboration. The primary goal is to enhance the health, well-being, and quality of life of horses by developing innovative solutions and contributing to sustainable improvements across the sector.

Technology for monitoring and decoding horse health

Technological solutions utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) are being developed to monitor horse health and welfare. Focus here is especially on detecting signs of pain, lameness and an unhealthy body condition.

Developing user-friendly tools

Efforts are focused on creating digital tools that simplify health monitoring for horse owners and professionals. There is potential for the development of an app that provides access to health data and guidance. By analyzing short video clips or images, the app, powered by AI models, can assess whether a horse exhibits signs of a "pain face," lameness, or obesity. Based on the collected data, the app can recommend actions, such as consulting a veterinarian, ensuring decisions are made in the best interest of the horse.

Improving horse welfare on a sector level

A commitment to contributing to the development of new standards and methods that advance horse welfare both nationally and internationally is a priority. Through research and innovation, long-term improvements across the entire sector are pursued.

Interdisciplinary research

The approach combines expertise in veterinary medicine, ethology (animal behavior), and technology to promote knowledge, education, and understanding of horse welfare. Collaboration is sought with:

  • Universities and research institutions
  • Veterinary associations and other professional organizations
  • Technology companies
  • Equine and animal welfare organizations
  • Equipment and feed manufacturers

Future areas of work

Exploration of future opportunities within technology and horse welfare is ongoing. With many years of experience in animal welfare, the established department under Sustainability and Digitalization is well-equipped to address new challenges.

Key ambitions include:

  • Monitoring behavior and mental well-being
  • Rehabilitation and diagnostics through technology
  • Digital learning and training tools
  • Technology for working horses in developing countries

The aim is to not only improve the life of individual horses but also drive positive change across the equine sector. Together with partners, targeted efforts are made toward a future where horse welfare is a central priority.