Advanced materials and process development

Jens  Christiansen

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Advanced materials and process development

At the Danish Technological Institute, we are specialists within materials for energy applications as well as gas and reactor technology.

Our team consists of chemists, physicists and materials experts, and our main objective is to assist companies in creating the best products and services.

Successful product launch in a global market requires optimised materials solutions and manufacturing processes. For many years now, the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) has worked closely together with Danish technology companies and utilities within these areas. Examples of our work include solutions for gasification plants, catalytic processes, components for fuel cells and new fuel technologies. We offer our services throughout the process from technology scouting and lab experiments to pilot testing at our in-house lab facilities, field tests and monitoring of the industrial plant. DTI would also like to assist your company in creating a successful product for a global market.

How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?

We also offer the following services:

  • Analysis of raw materials
  • Gas analysis
  • Dielectric spectroscopy
  • Measuring of dielectric constant