Large heat pumps for industry and district heating

Claus Schøn Poulsen

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Large heat pumps for industry and district heating

Large heat pumps are heat pumps, which enter into district heating systems, and they are solely used by companies, who have a cooling or heat demand larger than in a normal house. Large heat pumps can supplement companies' green transition from fosill fuels to renewable energy, which makes them attractive to invest in.

The technology behind large heat pumps is developing rapidly. The technology makes it possible, just like normal heat pumps, to collect thermal energy or waste energy from a source of heat with a low temperature, which is being returned at a higher temperature and utilized afterwards (energy recovery). In this way, the energy consumption is being reduced, while the use of fossil fuels is replaced with a renewable energy source. What makes large heat pumps different from normal heat pumps is that they are very good at producing heat on a large scale.

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Why are heat pumps attractive to use?

There are many reasons why large heat pumps are attractive to use in the industry and district heating systems. Energy from other sources than windpower and sunlight can be collected by large heat pumps. Large heat pumps can, for example, collect energy from tepid waste water, ground water, air and seawater, where enormous amounts of energy are hidden. The transformation of this energy can be used for the industry's large demans for heating and cooling. Moreover, the energy savings by using industrial heat pump installation can fund half of the investment.

Read more about large heat pumps for industry and district heating

We have gathered projects related to large heat pumps

- you will find the projects on the page with all heat pump projects

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Heat Pump Laboratory
We offer a wide range of testing services of air conditioners and heat pumps

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Gain control of the possibilities for how to apply large heat pumps, which produces heat to district heating systems and industrial plants. By participating in a course on large heat pumps, you will achieve knowledge of the technical principals in heat pumps, different heat pump types, technical opportunities and limitations. You will be introduced to circumstances with regard to economy and indirect tax. If you are interested in this course, please contact us via the contact formula on the right side of the page, and we will set the course in motion.

No matter where you find yourself in the process, you can get counselling on large heat pumps for industry and district heating by Danish Technological Institute. We can advise you in every phase of the process, including the overall design, control of or incorporation of a large heat pump in an existing system. Do you find yourself in the start-up phase and need help with carrying out preliminary examinations in connection with potential heat pump projects, need help with tender documents or wish to go through a project draft, you are more than welcome to contact us via the contact formula in the right side of the page

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