Heat pumps - R&D projects
Below, you can read more about our current and finished projects on heat pumps, where Danish Technological Institute functions either as project leader or participant.
Current projects
Annex 51 Acoustic signatures of heat pumps - Increasing the acceptance of heat pumps for comfort purposes with respect to noise and vibration emissions.
Experimental development of electric heat pumps in the Greater Copenhagen DH system (SVAF phase 2)
IEA EBC Annex 67 Energy Flexible Buildings - How buildings' energy consumption can be made energy flexible in order to meet the production of renewable energy. The project is expected to be finished in June 2019.
Mixed refrigerant heat pumps/cooling systems (MIREHP) - By using mixtures of refrigerants in refrigeration systems and heat pumps, better system efficiency can be reached resulting in energy savings. The project is expected to be finished in December 2018.,
THERMCYC - Advanced thermodynamic cycles utilising low-temperature heat sources - Devising innovative solutions for utilizing low-temperature heat sources at performances superior to state-of-the-art. The project is expected to be finished in February 2019
Finished projects