Robot technology news, video cases and projects - News

Samuel  Brøgger

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Robot technology news, video cases and projects - News

DTI develops advanced robot technology to solve industrial and societal challenges. Our focus is on combining new research and existing technologies to create robotic solutions that create jobs – and make life a little easier.

We offer specialist knowledge and services within everything from advanced automation through logistics to artificial intelligence. Here you will find an overview of our competences within robot technology and automation.

If you want to stay at the cutting edge of robot technology, you can subscribe to our newsletter here. Four times a year, we send out the latest news about robots and automation to technology-curious inboxes.


AI to revive retired PCs: "It gives us tremendous efficiency and consistent quality"

What happens to your discarded PC when your workplace buys new computers?

Maybe it will end up in a mountain of electronic waste in Asia or Africa. Or maybe it ends up in Allerød, where Tier1 Asset buys, sorts, wipes data, and repairs up to 2,000 used computers and other IT equipment per day.

The company would like to increase that number to 3,000-4,000 units – and this can only happen through automation.

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