
Jan  Nielsen

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Kalibrering og måleteknik


Measurement and calibration of equipment are very important in terms of quality and consumption of resources. If you choose to calibrate at Danish Technological Institute, you are guaranteed a correct consumption statement.

Danish Technological Institute provides a broad range of services within technology and management.
Calibration and Metrology services for the industry at Danish Technological Institute include:

  • Calibration in a wide scope within the fields of dimensional metrology, temperature, flow, air-velocity, pressure, force, humidity, mass, hardness and DC electricity
  • Training courses,  select page 5
  • Proficiency testing in various metrological fields

Danish Technological Institute’s testing laboratories can offer standardised EU-notified and internationally accredited testing, together with other tests in connection with product and design development.

Danish Technological Institute is accredited by The Danish Accreditation Service (DANAK) for providing proficiency tests and a wide scope of calibration and testing services.
See danak registration no. 200 for detailed specifications of measurements, uncertainties and specification of tests. DANAK is a member of EA (European Co-operation for Accreditation) and ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation).